
The walk with a kitten

Once upon a time there was an egg named Oscar. He woke up one morning, got out of bed, scampered across the floor, opened his door, looked up at the beautiful sun and said, “Ahhh, what a glorious day for a walk”.

So Oscar walked down the street to the corner, turned left, and walked several more blocks. While Oscar was walking, out in front of him strolled a little spotted kitten. The kitten was white with little brown spots, and the kitten said, “Hellloooo” [in a me-owy sort of tone].

Oscar said, “Good morning, little kitten, what is your name?”

To which the kitten replied, “Hellloooo.”

Oscar said, those spots you have there are quite nice.

To which the kitten said, “Hellloooo.”

Oscar tried another tactic by asking, “Do you live near here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

And the kitten replied, “Hellloooo.”.

Oscar made several more attempts to start a reasonable conversion, but the kitten always replied “Hellloooo.” So Oscar decided to name the kitten the “Hello Kitty”.

[Announcer-Voice: We interrupt this story to inform you that “Hello Kitty” is a registered trademark of Sanrio Incorporated and may not be used in any Oscar Story]

Let me back up a bit. Since the kitten always responded by greeting Oscar with a “Hellloooo”, Oscar decided to name her “Greetings Kitten.”

After several more attempts at conversing with Greetings Kitten, Oscar decided to continue his walk. Oscar left Greetings Kitten and continued down the street. After several blocks, Oscar turned left and walked four more blocks. He then turned left again and started heading back home.

On his way back home, out in front of him again strolled Greetings Kitten, who said, “Hellloooo.”

Oscar was tired of always hearing the same thing so he said, “Look here, Greetings Kitten. No matter what I say to you, you always reply ‘Hellloooo’, and that does not make interesting conversion, so I’ll say goodbye to you and keep on my walk.”

As Oscar walked past he heard, “Good Day”.

Oscar turned around, looked at Greetings Kitten, and asked, “I beg your pardon? What did you say?”

Greetings Kitten just looked at Oscar and said, “Hellloooo.”

Oscar was getting frustrated, so he turned and continued his walk home. He heard from behind him, “Haaa Haaa”.

Oscar turned around again, but Greetings Kitten just looked at him and said, “Hellloooo.”

So Oscar said a final “Good day” and walked away. From almost a block away, he heard Greetings Kitten calling, “It was a pleasure to meet you!”

But Oscar did not respond. He just went home, called his mother (Achpu, who lives in Malibu). He told her he loved her and missed her and hoped to see her soon.

The End

4 replies on “The walk with a kitten”

It’s so sad that there are no new stories since 2014! We love these stories so much and would really love to have more! Is there any chance to see more Oscar stories? 🙂


One of these days …

My kids are all grown, but I still tell them Oscar stories sometimes over FaceTime. It’s always a glorious day for a walk.

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